Pinnacle Capital Advisory, LLC. (PCA)

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Professional (s). With Covid,  the team of PCA has all moved to working from home.  Their designation of our team has all been placed as 1099 contractors.  We hold weekly ZOOM conferences. As a whole, the covid situtaion has turned out to be a great work-life balance for all the PCA team.  To summarize; great produtivity and improved  client services.  Each of our team members  work under a NDA agreement. 
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                   Joseph Allen

General Partner - Major Gifts Director, Senior Trader, Foundation Chairperson, Sponsor, and  CEO of a Boutique Family Office. 

Serving the unique advisory needs of CEO Founders, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Partners, as well as High-Net-Worth individuals.

A Monthly global macro report.

Specializing in swapped assets without selling the asset but generating profits for donations to non profit charities.

Donor Advised (MAJOR GIFT) giving.

CEO - Senior Trader, Pinnacle Capital Advisory, LLC.
Atlanta, Ga. 08/2011 to present.
Chairman American Housing Initiative, Inc. (Formerly HCA, Inc) Major Gifts.
Atlanta & Charlotte, NC. 7/1998 to Present

​CEO of  A&W  Wealth Managment - J.P. Turner Investment  Bank 
$600 million in donor funds.  2009 - 2011

Senior Vice President VP & Advisor. Wachovia  Wealth Management .
200 donors with $600 million. Atlanta, Ga.  10/2008 to 2009

Founder & General Partner of Genesis Fund, L.P. and Pinnacle Fund, LP.
CEO & Chairman of the Board of HCA .
Hotel Corporation of Atlanta) 50 hotel chain.

Genesis held a majority stake in HCA, Inc., a hotel chain  (50).  1/2 donated real estate & $750 million in total value. 01/1993 - 10/2008

Merrill Lynch trader & Medical Analyst
Dean Witter Reynolds -Trader
Morgan Stanley - Trader
Atlanta, New York, 1987 - 01/1993